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This 武汉代怀孕哪家好 day is getting colder every day, and the temperature difference between day and night is also relatively large.If you are not careful, many women during pregnancy will catch a cold.Because of the peculiarity of pregnancy, the common cold will make you feel "like the enemy" during pregnancy, and you are worried that the cold may affect the baby in your stomach.

So what should I do if I have a cold during pregnancy?Carry it?Is there any other way?Next, let's take a look:

Can I take medicine for a cold during pregnancy?

Can pregnant women take cold medicine during pregnancy? This problem makes some pregnant moms who have a cold very worried.First of all, the first three months of pregnancy are supplemented with drugs, as these three months happen to form a critical period.If the cold of the pregnant woman 武汉代孕产子 is not very serious, non-pharmacological treatments can be used, such as some safety remedies for colds or diet therapy.

If your cold is particularly severe and you haven't seen it for a long time, see your doctor.When you see a doctor, be sure to tell the doctor that you are pregnant. The doctor will treat you according to your condition. Even if you prescribe the medicine, the doctor will prescribe some medicine that the pregnant mother can take.

Cold medicine during pregnancy is not recommended, safe treatment is recommended

Colds during pregnancy. Generally speaking, drinking more water 不怕不怕,孕期感冒了试试这几招! or taking a hot bath can help your body recover, and it is safer.


Do gymnastics

Do your physical exercises when you feel itchy nose or throat 2?3 times effective.

During this period, your feet are slightly upright, your neck is straight, your head must be on top, your eyes are wide, your tongue is extended, your arms are on your sides, and your fingers are straight.Then from the top of the head to the hand, press hard on the toes until the whole body trembles, and continuously makes a "beep" sound, repeat 2?3 times.



For those who have a sore throat in the early stage of fever and cold, they can rinse their mouth and throat once every 10 minutes with concentrated saline.


Sniffing breath

Pour hot water at about 42 degrees 武汉助孕官网选择上海坤和 into a thermos cup, and the person with a cold puts his mouth and nose into the cup mouth, and continuously inhales hot steam 3 times a day.


Diet therapy

Ginger Tea

Method: 3-5 slices of ginger (washed and shredded), 5 grams of brown sugar, 500 ml of boiling water and simmer for 5 minutes, then drink the tea while hot.After taking the quilt, you should lie on your back and let your body sweat slightly.(Suitable for cold cold)

Sydney pot

Method: Wash Sydney, shred skin, add rock sugar, and steam over water in a clay pot or clay pot.适用于风热咳嗽。


孕妇在怀孕期间应多注意休息,加强运动并保持强壮的身体。一旦感冒,不要惊慌或在惊慌中服药。 如果您不介意,应该去医院咨询。此外,在怀孕期间感冒时应注意以下几点:



感冒后,如果再次感冒,病情会加剧,因此应在孕中期预防感冒并保持温暖。怀孕的母亲每晚应将脚在热水中浸泡15分钟。 足量的水不应超过脚,浸泡后脚应变红。 这样可以有效预防感冒。














2。 转发提醒!不要让孩子触摸这些玩具


4。 父母要注意!被电视“抚养”的孩子很容易孤独

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